So Much Beauty, Part I
Long’s Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park. My heaven-on-earth. And so beautiful!
One of my most deeply held beliefs is this: There is beauty waiting for us outside, every day.
My recent pilgrimage reinforced this belief and inspired me to share the evidence with you in a series of short, image-focused, blog posts. I’ll be taking you on trail with me in these posts, sharing the beauty, the adventure and the joy.
In September, I drove from Wisconsin to Colorado via the Sandhills of South Dakota and Nebraska. The top two photos (l to r) were taken at a rest stop where I got out to stretch and walk and take it all in. It’s a vast, empty area that fills the soul with far horizons and stunning topography. I’ll be going back!
The camp photo is from Moraine Park Campground in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). RMNP is my spiritual center and that particular campsite is home.
The bottom row of photos (l to r) is:
My morning view. Coffee in hand, sun on my back, I wake up to watch Long’s Peak lighten up and touch the sky. God lives up there, this I know.
On the Ute Trail (2 photos). This hike is a favorite and is also one of the best hikes for getting acclimated to the altitude. You can drive up Trail Ridge Road to a parking area near the trailhead. You’re still hiking at altitude but driving up gives you an edge. So to speak. You’ll need layers, especially for wind. Take lots of water. And snacks. I’m a big fan of snacks. Take binoculars too, as you can see, the views are stunning. Binoculars allow you to see details and wildlife that will fill your heart and blow your mind.
PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAIL! You’re on extremely fragile alpine tundra! Life up here is challenging! “Repeated footsteps often destroy tundra plants, allowing exposed soil to blow away. Recovery may take hundreds of years, so please use designated trails when exploring this unique area.”
In my next post I’ll share wildlife, light, camp visitors and more. There’s just so much beauty out there!