Walking Women: Kathy Carr
Today’s Walking Women Interview is with Kathy Carr of Utah!
Q. Kathy, what inspired you to start walking?
A. When I was working so much, I realized I was feeling tight emotionally and physically. Traveling a lot for work also had me wanting something that I could do anywhere I was. I started looking for parks and trails and found not only a more calm spirit in myself, but it opened my world to nature and the relationship I wanted amongst the trees, plants and wildlife.
Q. How long have you been walking?
A. A really focused walk started about 5 years ago.
Q. What changes (body/mind/spirit) have resulted from your walking?
A. More calm in my life, excitement and more energy. I am hoping to lose weight in the process as I become more consistent.
Some of Kathy’s favorite places to walk, amongst the trees!
Q. What happens if you don’t walk?
A. I feel sluggish, my knees start hurting and I lose motivation.
Q. What does walking mean to you?
A. Walking means that I connect with myself and we become friends again!
Q. What are your biggest walking challenges?
A. Sometimes at home it’s weather conditions. When that is in play, I go to the recreation center and use their indoor track.
Kathy and her youngest daughter—mother/daughter walking partners!
Q. What are your favorite places to walk?
A. I love to walk amongst the trees. Radnor Lake in Nashville, Tennessee is one of my favorites. At home I love the Mirror Lake Loop, in the Uinta Mountains. If I'm in Seattle, I like to walk at Coulon Park, and Boise’s River Greenbelt is wonderful!
Q. What advice would you give to women who know they should be walking but aren’t--yet?
A. Don't count steps—don’t even worry about how long you walk. Pick a loop in your neighborhood and start there.
Such Wise Words! Kathy, thank you so much for sharing your walking journey with us. You’re an inspiration and a great walking partner. I am eternally grateful our paths crossed at Radnor Lake all those years ago.
A well deserved rest for Kathy and her hubby after walking the Mirror Lake Loop!
Kathy Carr is a Walking Woman, an educator and consultant, mother of four and “gram” to three adorable girls who love to walk too! A California native, Kathy lives in Utah, travels for work and family and presents nationally on environmental science education.