The First Mile Is the Hardest
My friend, fellow walking woman and hiker, and 1MWW member, Debbie Wood, has written and published, The First Mile is the Hardest, 7 Life Lessons Taught by the Trail, A Woman’s Guide to Health, Wealth and Livin’ the Dream. The First Mile is the #1 international bestselling book in three self-help categories!
In this blog post, Debbie shares a few highlights and insights from the book. But first, a disclaimer! Debbie and I collaborated on The First Mile in several ways. I was deeply honored when she asked me to write the foreword and even more honored when she asked me to be her editor and coach. Our journey together took the better part of 9 months—we learned, we laughed, we cried and ultimately, as you can see, every step was well worth the effort!
Debbie and fellow hikers wrapping up The Cleveland Hiking Club’s infamous 40-miler! (Graphics and photos from the book used with author’s permission.)
Q: Debbie in your book you tell the story of finding the Cleveland Hiking Club and how hiking became your teacher. Describe your first hike with the club and share any a-ha’s you had.
A: My very first hike with the Club was at the Plateau Picnic Area in Brecksville Reservation. It was the same day that I discovered the Club. I got there early to find two gentlemen standing by a car. They were the only ones there when I arrived. At that time, I was afraid of hiking in the woods by myself, and my first thought was I didn’t feel very secure hiking with two strange men who I had never met. I asked them if they were the Cleveland Hiking Club and they said yes, they were leading for Norma, who was supposed to be the leader that night. Within about five minutes many more people showed up and I ended up walking with Kathy, who spent the whole five miles explaining to me the in’s and outs of the Club. The education was priceless, and it gave me the insight to how important it is for a first time hiker to learn from a seasoned member, which I’ve passed on many times over the years. Oh, and the two men that were there were John and Bill, two of my favorite men in the Club. John taught me everything I needed to know about leading in Brecksville and West Creek (he knows the parks with his eyes closed), and I spent many happy hours on the trails with him. Sadly, Bill passed away last month, and he will be missed a lot. He was a long-time member of the Club.
Debbie’s beloved Mom, Mildred Engelhart and the indomitable Emma “Grandma” Gatewood!
Q: You mention your mom and Grandma Gatewood as life and hiking heroes of yours. Share how these two women continue to inspire you today.
A: In a word I would have to say their perseverance is what drives me. When I think of all the adversity they went through in their lives and the fact that they just kept on going it makes me think that the things in my life that I consider blocks and stoppers are really not all that bad. If they could get through the physical and mental challenges they faced every day, pretty much anyone can do anything.
Debbie summiting Mt Cameron, one of Colorado’s famed 14ers and her boots, after a rather muddy hike!
Q: One of the biggest reasons for writing this book was your need to leave a legacy. Why was that “mission critical” for you?
A: For me the biggest message I want to get across to my family and friends and all my readers is: “You are infinitely capable beyond your wildest dreams only when you can truly imagine just how capable you are!” I believe everyone needs to leave some kind of legacy for the ones that come after so they really know who you are. In this electronic world, people don’t talk any more, so having something to read, written in your own hand, is invaluable for generations to come.
Q: What is your favorite part of the book and why?
A: Oh man, so many favorite parts! How to pick?! I think I would have to say my favorite part of the book is in Lesson 5: Bouldering over Rocky Finances, the section called “Get Out of My Underwear Drawer!” First, it was probably the section I had the most fun writing. I seriously laughed until I was crying. And on the more serious side it was a little bit of the basis of how this book came about. To do anything worthwhile you have to become vulnerable and open yourself up. Your stories are what help other people to solve their problems. And, sometimes your stories, as I’m sure some of mine will, make you realize that hey, maybe I’m not so crazy—this chick is way worse!!
Q: The First Mile is the Hardest is an incredible accomplishment Debbie—congratulations! Where can we get a copy?
A: Amazon!
Debbie Wood is a first-time author but a life-long entrepreneur and confessed hiking addict. Following a series of life-altering tragedies Debbie embarked on a deeply personal journey from the life that was “supposed” to make her happy to the life that truly does. In The First Mile is the Hardest, Debbie shares her transformation step-by-step, from the depths of despair to the triumph of her personal summit, all the while empowering her readers to undertake the same life-changing journey for themselves.