Walking Women: Melinda Biegon
Today’s Walking Women Interview is with Melinda Biegon of central Florida.
Q. Melinda, what inspired you to start walking?
A. Before my daughter was born, I always found time for my physical fitness, whether it was jazzercise, dancing, yoga, running or a gym membership. Once I became a Mom, and my responsibilities at work increased, it became more difficult to find time for fitness. I tried to walk now and then, weather permitting, when we lived in Virginia, but found that the weather was only ideal about 4 months out of the year. When I first heard about the One Million Women Walking Movement, my intuition nudged me to join and get moving again. I knew that meeting you and your walking movement was no coincidence and was calling to me to join and begin my journey toward a healthier me again.
Q. Wow! Thank you! I’m so thrilled you listened to your intuition and I’m really thrilled our paths crossed. When did you begin your walking journey?
A. This past June I began walking daily before work and it quickly became a new habit that I have grown to look forward to. It’s such a joy to have something to look forward to each day. I definitely appreciate walking so much more in the midst of the current Covid-19 environment. I no longer take my ability to go outside for granted and am grateful every day that I am healthy enough to walk.
Q. What changes (body/mind/spirit) have resulted from your walking?
A. Within a week of walking about a mile each day around my beautiful tree-lined, shaded neighborhood, I started to notice immediate physical benefits. My hips had started to become more flexible and less painful as I walked. I also noticed that my posture was more upright and started to self-correct after 35 years working in front of a computer. Within two or three weeks, my walking pace increased significantly where I could out-pace my husband. Previously, he would walk ahead of me and would have to wait for me to catch up to him.
Melinda’s beautiful, tree-lined neighborhood!
Q. What does walking mean to you?
A. What I wasn’t expecting were all the mental and spiritual benefits of my new daily ritual. Not a morning person, I started looking forward to greeting the sunrise each morning and watching my neighborhood emerge from the quiet of dawn to the sun-filled energy of daylight and the communion with nature this would provide. In addition to the centered mindfulness my daily walks provide, I’ve also come to realize that the longer walks evolve into further inner dialogues and self-discoveries. I’ve discovered my longer solo walks reach a rhythm more conducive to contemplation and, like meditation, effortlessly allow transformative ideas, creative solutions and spiritual inspiration to bubble up to the surface of my awareness.
Q. What happens if you don’t walk?
A. If I don’t walk, I miss it in the same way I miss the opportunity for insight that comes from this form of contemplative practice. I also miss the feeling of accomplishment and self-gratitude that my daily walks give me from taking care of myself and setting aside my work and family responsibilities for a few minutes.
Q. What are your biggest walking challenges?
A. My biggest walking challenges have always been weather related, but with my recent move to Florida, I have many more days that the weather cooperates, especially if I walk early in the day to beat the heat. My other challenge comes down to not having enough time in the day when my work or home life get over scheduled. When this happens, I try to be mindful of other ways that I’m standing and using my body. I’ve always had the saying “A body in motion stays in motion, and a body at rest stays at rest” running in the back of my mind as a friendly reminder to myself to get moving.
Friendly neighbors . . .
Q. What is your favorite place to walk?
A. I love walking in my very lovely and diverse neighborhood and look forward to greeting the other “regulars” that are out early walking, biking or jogging each morning. I’ve also discovered how much I truly love walking along the ocean shoreline, a special treat that I get to experience more often now that I live in Florida.
Q. What advise do I have for women who know they should be walking but aren’t yet?
A. I’m especially inspired by the number of women in their 70’s and beyond that are out there walking or biking each day where I live. They remind me that it’s never too late to start exercising. The energy they exude as they walk is truly an inspiration and reminder of how wonderful walking is at any age. I also have my beloved grandmother as inspiration. She remained very active up until the age of 96 and was proud of her strong legs and perfect posture. She would walk all around her town in upstate NY visiting friend and grocery shopping, even when there was snow on the ground. I try to embody some of her grit and determination as motivation as I embark on my walks each day.
Melinda, thank you so much for sharing your walking journey with us! You’re an inspiration and a great walking partner! Watch out for the bears!!
Melinda Biegon lives in central Florida with her husband and daughter. The family moved to Florida last winter after living in northern Virginia for thirty years. Melinda is a graphic designer for the aerospace industry, where she’s been leading creative services teams for over thirty years. She is also a member of The Walking Women and is a wonderful walking partner!
A truly stunning tree in Melinda’s lovely neighborhood. How fun to see this beauty when you walk!