Walking Women: My Fabulous Mom!
In honor of Mother’s Day, it seems more than fitting that today’s Walking Woman Interview is with my very own fabulous Mom!
Q. Mom, what inspired you to start walking and how long have you been walking?
A. My initial “inspiration” was a strong desire to hike in the mountains of the American West, at high altitudes over rough terrain. With this goal in mind, I began running regularly when I was in my late thirties; in my late forties I developed a pinched nerve in the neck that was exacerbated by running and I turned to walking. That was thirty plus years ago, and a three mile walk is now such a part of my life that I can’t imagine NOT walking on a regular basis! (And I hike those high mountains every summer.)
Q. What changes (body, mind, spirit) have resulted from your walking?
A. Hmmm. I don’t think I could pinpoint any changes per se because I can’t honestly remember a “pre-walking” time.
Q. What happens if you don’t walk?
A. I really feel a difference in my ability to sleep well -- that daily walk must provide some sort of hormone balancing uplift as well as simply providing the exercise that our bodies need to function healthily. I also find that if I’m in a bit of a funk, just getting outdoors for an hour lifts my spirits, even if I’m walking in a drizzle.
Q. What does walking mean to you?
A. Since I usually walk with my best friend (who is also my roommate), it’s an opportunity to make plans, touch base, share observations about the birds, animal tracks, clouds, whatever else is out there to be experienced. It’s also a sort of “down time” of peacefulness when we can enjoy being quiet together as our bodies move down the road or path.
Q. What are your biggest walking challenges?
A. Like most people, simply making sure that I reserve time each day for this critical component of my life.
Q. What’s your favorite place to walk?
A. Wow! Anywhere with lots of sky and open space. I’m fortunate to live in a “country subdivision” where the lots average several acres; the streets have little or no traffic, and there are gentle hills, a lake, several prairie plantings, etc., so walking right out my front door is about as good as it gets!
Q. What advice would you give to women who know they should be walking but aren’t—yet?
A. Find a friend with whom to walk! That is, for me, the biggest incentive. On a day when one of us is in a “I just want to stay inside with a good book” mode, the other one will be gung-ho for the daily walk, and so off we go! Seriously, there is a sense of accountability that comes with having a daily walking partner, and I know that I benefit from having a built-in walking buddy.
Mom thanks so much for sharing your walking story with us! You’re an inspiration and a true Walking Woman!
My mother, Donna Miller, is the mother of four adult children and grandmother of six incredibly wonderful grandchildren. She is a retired educator, tremendous lover of life, avid and gifted outdoorswoman and, as one former student said, “A perpetual badass.” I’m blessed to have her as my Mom on this walk of life and especially lucky to have her as an occasional walking and hiking partner.
Mom, you’re the best! XO