Mom's Fabulous DIY Standing Desk
Step 1 of the One Million Women Walking 3-Step Practice, which 1MWW members follow every day, is Move More Throughout Your Day.
In a recent member discussion of Step 1, we were chatting about how Moving More throughout the day is mission critical for 9-5 workers.
Moving More reduces the negative health effects from too much sitting: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, plus joint, muscle, neck and shoulder problems. And Moving More prevents decision fatigue, restores motivation (especially for long-term goals), increases productivity and creativity, improves learning, and reduces stress. That’s a whole lot of return for an incredibly simple activity.
As we were talking about the best ways to Move More, the topic of standing desks came up because doctors not only recommend Moving More throughout the day, they are now recommending that we begin standing at least 2 hours per day at work and gradually increase to 4 hours per day. Obviously a standing desk would help in attaining this health goal.
Mom’s fabulous DIY standing desk/project table. Estimated cost: $130.
I mentioned that my Mom, a movement oriented woman, (see above photo) built her own standing desk/project table so she could stand to work. Curiosity was piqued so I sent Mom a request for photos and a brief explanation of her creation. Here we have her responses!
Before we dive into the desk, a few words about my fab Mom. Mom is a retired educator, accomplished outdoorswoman, avid learner, DIYer, and lover of life. Mom is not much for sitting. If she’s sitting she’s reading, eating, or driving/flying to wherever her next adventure awaits. Otherwise she’s moving. So it seemed only normal that she determined to make herself a standing desk. Why sit to work when you can stand?
Finnvard trestle with shelf from Ikea.
Here’s what Mom has to say. “The table top is just a hollow core door, painted and resting on the legs — not attached. The two sawhorse style sets of legs are from IKEA. The cool thing about these legs is that they are adjustable by just moving a wooden peg into different holes, so that one could make the back of the table be a little higher than the front — one would have to attach a small ledge across the front edge of the table to keep things from sliding off, but the result would be just like a drafting table. I took one photo with a chair next to the table, so that folks can get a sense of its height. The top of the table, as I have done it, is exactly 36 inches from the floor.”
Ta da!
Total cost here is approximately $130, which will vary a bit depending on your door source. Lumber yard pricing for hollow core doors ranges from $18-$40 or so. The Finnvard trestles are $50 each from Ikea.
Table/desktop height is 35”. The legs are adjustable and can be used to create a drafting table as well.
I’ve stood at this desk many hours myself and I highly recommend the whole concept. For fempreneurs, business owners, interior designers, DIYers, builders and more, this is great, functional design for a creative space that increases creativity. What a win/win.
A big thanks to Mom, who is packing for her next adventure—Hawaii—as we speak. And a closing thought.
My Mom is a true force of nature as evidenced by the above photo. That’s me, Mom, and my daughter shortly after climbing up a waterfall in Rocky Mountain National Park on our way to the dreamy and aptly named Sky Pond. We three have been at it for twenty years now—hiking, camping, backpacking, laughing, exploring. Mom is a continued source of inspiration and joy and I’m blessed by her love of life every day.
Mom. Ute Trail, Rocky Mountain National Park.
So be like my Mom! Move more, stand to work, go on adventures, climb, ski, kayak, hike, camp, snowshoe and build a desk while you’re at it. You’ll love your life and it will love you back!
PS The best way to be like my Mom is to become a member of the 1MWW movement. Join us today to start living the happy, healthy, long life you deserve. We can’t wait to walk with you!