Walking Women: Annajean Gorman
Today's Walking Women Interview is with Annajean Gorman of Kansas City.
Annajean before she started walking.
Q: Annajean, what inspired you to start walking?
A: I started walking as a way to deal with some of the stress that goes with adjusting to a new relationship and the seeming lack of control in my life.
Q: How long have you been walking?
A: I have been walking since July 2016, so just over a year.
Annajean after walking for a year!
Q: What changes (body, mind, spirit) have resulted from walking?
A: I now have more longevity for everyday activities. I no longer dread going to zoos and amusement parks with family.
Q: What happens if you don’t walk?
A: I feel like my day is off kilter.
Q: What does walking mean to you?
A: Walking is therapeutic. It allows me uninterrupted time with my little dog, Rat, and time to talk with my sister.
Annajean's "coach", her dog Rat!
Q: What are you biggest walking challenges/obstacles?
A: My biggest obstacle is the weather. Here in Kansas City it is either boiling (including extreme heat and humidity) or it’s freezing. The other obstacle is time. The hour it takes to do my walk sometimes gets way- laid by work.
Part of Annajean's walking route! How gorgeous is this?
Q: What’s your favorite place to walk?
A: The back roads where I live. I have found a route that is 1.75 miles from start to the middle point--3.5 miles total. There is very little traffic and it has hills and valleys.
Q: What advice would you give to women who know they should be walking but aren’t yet?
A: I would advise women to just walk down the block to start. No one cares how far you can go. It is totally between you and the road.
Annajean, thank you so much for sharing your inspiring and empowering walking story!
Annajean Gorman is a self-employed (WIP) bookkeeper. She moved to the Midwest four years ago when she got divorced from her husband of 29 years. She has since lost nearly 100 pounds and has remarried. Annajean has participated in two 5k events and she's achieved a 16-minute mile--a consistent 15-minute mile is her goal.